Flight 4

A photo of George-L as it sits on pad C6, waiting to be launched. The lights on it are turned on and shining red and blue. It is surrounded by other low-power rockets.

George-L on pad C6, waiting to be launched, surrounded by friends.

Attempt 1

Similar to flight 3, George-L was fitted with an Estes C6-5 and a non-Estes igniter secured to the motor with aerospace tape. This time, however, not enough tape was used, and the force of the igniter igniting was enough to kick it out of the motor without igniting the motor. The motor was retained, investigated, and found to have no gross manufacturing defects.

Attempt 2

A new igniter, the last of the three-pack I had purchased, was inserted and secured with a great deal more tape. This proved adequate, and flight 4 lifted off from pad C6 at 2023-11-11 20:57. The flight itself was smooth, with a gentle arc to the west-southwest. The ejection charge fired and the parachute deployed without incident, bringing the craft gently down inside the range. The attached lights continued to function flawlessly until the RSO declared the range safe to enter and George-L could be recovered.

The motor was kept and labeled.

No photos or video were taken during the flight. No flight performance data was logged, and no comparison to a simulation can be made.