Flight 3

Attempt 1

For George’s first night flight, it was fitted with an Estes C6-5 and an igniter from Discount Rocketry. The igniter was secured to the motor with aerospace tape rather than a plug.

Liftoff was at 2023-11-11 20:04 from pad B4 at the Lucerne Dry Lakebed in Lucerne, CA. Flight was excellent, with the rocket taking a gradual arc to the south. Ejection charge fired on time and without incident, the parachute deployed, and the rocket landed gently between the first two rows of cars to the south of the launch area. The LED lights remained active and in good working order for the duration of the flight. By the time of launch, the air temperature had dropped quite significantly, and the warmth that the motor imparted to the rocket body was easily noticeable, and quite welcome. Interestingly, the body tube forward of the ejection charge was noticeably warm, not just the aft.

The motor was kept and labeled.

No photos or video were taken during the flight. No flight performance data was logged, and no comparison to a simulation can be made.